GO mobile
Do you know about MeMeMe generation? Oh, really, you don’t? Well, sorry to tell you that - but you are part of it. Millennials, or MeMeMe generation, consist of people born between 1980 and 2000. This generation cares only about itself - and that is not a bad thing at all. It cares about being self-sufficient and productive. In Millennials’ world the ability to manage time matters. But being mobile weights the world.
Mobile photography develops along with the young generation. And it’s not just about the process of taking pictures, not anymore. In the modern world, it’s about the number of people taking them, it’s about sharing and editing and consuming them. Nowadays anyone who has a good camera on his or her phone can be called a mobile photographer. Still, if the camera is not good enough - there are lots of different editing apps. Most of them can both improve the quality of the pictures and give photographers some space for art.
Brandon Edwards, a photographer from Hillsboro, OR “When you capture moments on professional camera – you have to be wired. In order to publish pictures, you have to transfer them from the camera to your computer or laptop. And for that, you need a transfer cable. If you prefer to use film – well, you’ll need to get photos scanned and recorded on the flash-drive or disk. You have to take too many steps to get the work done. Taking photographs on a cell phone makes your life easier. I don’t always have my camera with me, but I always have my phone in my pocket. When there is the right moment - I’m ready to take action. Whenever I have a chance, I prefer to use both camera and phone to take pictures – then I just choose the ones I like the best.”
It took mobile photography a few years to gain general acceptance in the highly-respected photo community. The first recognition starts with Instagram. In June 2016 this platform reached 500 million monthly active users! It means that many people upload their own pictures on a monthly basis, at very least. And most of those pictures are made on mobile devices. Such platforms are perfect for the development of mobile photography. It’s fast, you can upload pictures from your cell phone being anywhere in the world, immediate publishing requires minimum or no editing… I won’t go on, that’s an endless list. At first, Instagram was available just for IOS users, but a few years later it was presented to Android users as well. Actually, there is even a website - for those who like to do it old-fashion way. But the whole point of this platform - go mobile, you don’t have to be attached to your desk and computer all of the time. There are so many different mobile photo contests - some of them have just started to include the category “mobile photography”. Many of them were recently created - like Mobile Photography Awards, it was established six years ago. But what’s more important - global, professional photo contests, like ones by Nikon, Canon, Sony or Olympus - they don’t require specific equipment anymore. They do accept mobile photography now. Huge, huh? Once you start, you won’t be able to stop. The brain is constantly evaluating reality, looking for the best snap. Everything’s shifting and moving in your imagination. Unconsciously, you are in a constant search of perfect composition and perspective. Your diagnosis - mobile photographer. Sometimes you might also be referred to as Instagrammer. Just keep on. Nothing really matters. But being mobile does.