Appealing to Kindness
Referring to the principles of family-centered care, the strong must protect the weak.
Unfortunately, our society has been confronted with double standards because many people vote for the preservation of wildlife and do not understand the importance of conservation. Human survival is closely linked to the survival of species. Therefore, protective measures, as well as sustainable use of all natural resources, are vital. One cannot exist without another.
The man is the crown of creation, but is it fair?
Many industries use raw materials of animal origin for manufacturing their products. Sadly, their activity usually brings harm to many species and the environment as a whole. Needless to say, selfish reasons have played a significant role in the matter.
People ruin our mutual home.
This heartbreaking fact disturbs us as well as other compassionate individuals and charity organizations which do their best for protection and surveillance of our animal friends' habitat.
The life on Earth is like a chain with a number of links. Violation of the rights to life of any link of this chain affects all the species. the loss of wildlife represents a tragedy with an irrevocable impact.
Our team promotes animal welfare and conservation policies which are predominant for each of us.
Our aim is to address the current needs of wildlife and responsibility for its existence. The primary target is to bring up awareness of the importance of comprehensive measures to combat the inappropriate use of natural gifts.
We believe that together we can deliver a healthy and bright future to the next generations.